A global cooling on the way?

Richard Hillgrove News Opinion

Around 2,800 years ago, the Earth went through an abrupt period of cooling, caused by the sun with a ‘solar minimum’ activity, and the same could happen again soon, DailyMail reported.
Scientists at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geo-sciences using modern methodological approach analysed lake sediment in Lake Meerfelder Maar in the Eifel(Germany), and found direct evidence of a sudden cooling caused by a ‘solar minimum’.
The current solar activity is said to be in a maximum mode with solar storms, sun spots etc. that can be a factor boosting the global warming and climate change. The scientists assume that this hyper activity period will be followed by a quiet Sun, causing a Solar minimum with cooling effect.
So, is it – the so called ‘Global Cooling’ – the nature’s remedy for the ongoing global warming?! And can we assure ourselves that the predicted bad effects of Global warming will be automatically nullified by the opposite effects…

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